What is GSR (galvanic skin response) - ?

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Galvanic skin response (GSR), also referred to as skin conductance, is an objective measure of the electrical conductance of the skin, which indicates the activity of the sweat glands regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. GSR can be quantified by attaching electrodes to the skin, mainly on the fingers or palms, and analyzing the electrical conductivity of the skin. Emotional arousal or stress results in an increase in the activity of the sweat glands, leading to an increase in skin conductance.

GSR is commonly employed in psychology and neuroscience research to examine emotional responses to various stimuli such as pictures, sounds, or videos. This technique has been used to study different emotional states like fear, anxiety, happiness, and sadness. Additionally, GSR can be utilized in lie detection tests where changes in skin conductance can reveal deception or emotional arousal. GSR also has practical applications in biofeedback devices and wearable technology to monitor stress levels.

Medical professionals use GSR to diagnose medical conditions like hyperhidrosis, characterized by excessive sweating. GSR can also be used in biofeedback therapy, a technique that enables patients to manage their stress levels by providing real-time information about their physiological responses, including GSR.

Engineers have employed GSR in developing wearable technology like smartwatches to monitor stress levels in individuals. These devices measure changes in the electrical conductance of the skin, which can indicate the user's stress level. This information can be used to provide feedback and help users manage their stress levels.

In conclusion, GSR is an objective measure of skin conductance that has broad applications in psychology, neuroscience, medicine, and engineering. It is useful for measuring emotional responses, diagnosing medical conditions, and developing wearable technology for stress management.


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